* This application is best solution to monitor the water level (or any other fluid level) and control in your pump (manual-automatic) over WiFi network troth internet.==description: This application is for people or hobbyists those want to monitor the level of water or any fluid and control in the pump from any Android phones either in automatic or manual way.* This application receives the fluid level and all data values over the Wi-Fi link. It needs an active internet connection between phone and router.* This application update the value and read data Every ten(1.5 min) .* you can rename your tank.* this application send notification and vibrate your phone if(water level low , water level high , pump on ,pump off)...== Pump control:* If you select AUTO mode, application will test water or fluid level and control the pump (start-stop) .(you can set the start level and stop level to control of your pump)* If you select MANUAL mode, buttons will be enabled for you to manually control the pump directly(start-stop) directly....==Water data:* you can show the percentage of water level.* you can show Liters suitable for your level of water.* you can show the picture suitable for your level of water...==Hardware:* the hardware is divide into 2 parts (main board , sensor board ).User manual for product: pending..... * To get the hardware please contact me at email (
[email protected])or whats App +961 78984948.